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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a regulated foot specialist called in Ontario?

Regulated foot specialists in Ontario, are licensed by The College of Chiropodists of Ontario, and are called a Chiropodist or a Podiatrist.

Who are Chiropodists

They are regulated foot specialists who are educated to assess, treat, and prevent foot disorders by various methods. They provide conservative care such as footwear advice, thinning of toenails and trimming of calluses. In addition, they utilize methods such as prescribing and fitting of orthotic devices, prescribing and administering drugs, and the use of soft tissue surgery under local anaesthesia.

Do I need a medical referral?

No, a medical referral is not needed. Many patients are referred by their physician or another health care provider, but a referral is not necessary. Simply call Hayles Foot and Ankle Clinic to make an appointment.

Do I need an appointment?

Yes, an appointment is required. An appointment is needed so ensure that all patients are given the proper medical attention. During your initial examination we first determine the exact nature of a problem. Through discussion, assessment and accurate diagnosis, a management plan will be formulated to meet your individual requirements based on patient involvement. Emphasis is placed on treating the primary cause of your problem as well as the symptoms to prevent pain recurrence. Orthotics devices that insert into footwear - or nail surgery, may form a part of the treatment plan to ensure effective results.

How long is my first appointment and what should I bring?

Your first visit to the Clinic will include a complete physical of your feet and legs, and a thorough medical history will be taken. A good overall view of your health is important to us because your health forms an important link to many foot conditions and vice versa. Therefore, the appointment will last approximately 40 minutes. You should wear or bring the shoes which you currently use the majority of the time and you should wear loose clothing so we can access/view the knees and lower leg.

Is this service covered through OHIP?

Chiropody services are not included under O.H.I.P. Fees are covered under many extended health insurance plans such as Sunlife, Manulife, Liberty Health, Green Shield and Veterans D.V.A. Patients are advised to consult there insurance carrier regarding their coverage and reimbursement prior to there appointment, our staff can also help identify your fee coverage. Our fee schedule is based on the guidelines set by our professional association. For your convenience, we accept cash, cheques and debit, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Payment is due when the service is rendered.

Can you bill my Extended Health Insurance directly?

Direct billing is available to patients registered with The Department of Veterans Affairs, First Nations and Inuit Health-Non Insured Health Benefits, Workplace Safety Insurance Board and some automobile accident insurers. Prior approval is mandatory for any direct billing. If you require additional information or documentation for your insurance claim, please contact our office and we will be glad to assist you.

How much will it cost?

After the problem is diagnosed, cost will vary depending on what treatment is required.